boolean saying if distribution is allowed or null.
Authors of this mod.
Categories of this mod (also contains root category.)
the date when the mod page got created.
the date when the mod page got updated or files got updated.
the date when the mod got released. (not the same as created)
The amount this mod got downloaded according to curseforge.
the id of the game of the mod.
the id of the mod.
if this mod is a featured mod.
list of latest files from this mod.
Additional links related to the mod.
The ModAsset for the logo of this mod. (doesn't need to be in square format)
the file id for the main file (latest release)
the name of this mod.
The root category id of the mod. (Can be a modification or another associated file with the game like a resource pack or a savegame)
the slug (string-id) of the mod.
The curseforge approval status of the mod.
A brief summary of the mod. (Think of it as the Github Repo description)
Thumbnails / Screenshots uploaded for this mod.
Get the description for this mod in html.
html string.
Options to use when getting the files for this mod.
mod files found using this method.
Generated using TypeDoc
Class for working with a specific mod from the CF-Core api. Use the Curseforge class to get mod objects.