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Class for working with a specific mod from the CF-Core api. Use the Curseforge class to get mod objects.


  • CFObject
    • Mod



allowedModDistribution: boolean

boolean saying if distribution is allowed or null.

authors: ModAuthor[]

Authors of this mod.

categories: Category[]

Categories of this mod (also contains root category.)

dateCreated: Date

the date when the mod page got created.

dateModified: Date

the date when the mod page got updated or files got updated.

dateReleased: Date

the date when the mod got released. (not the same as created)

downloadCount: number

The amount this mod got downloaded according to curseforge.

gameId: number

the id of the game of the mod.

id: number

the id of the mod.

isFeatured: boolean

if this mod is a featured mod.

latestFiles: ModFile[]

list of latest files from this mod.

latestFilesIndexes: FileIndex[]
links: ModLinks

Additional links related to the mod.

logo: ModAsset

The ModAsset for the logo of this mod. (doesn't need to be in square format)

mainFileId: number

the file id for the main file (latest release)

name: string

the name of this mod.

primaryCategoryId: number

The root category id of the mod. (Can be a modification or another associated file with the game like a resource pack or a savegame)

slug: string

the slug (string-id) of the mod.

status: ModStatus

The curseforge approval status of the mod.

summary: string

A brief summary of the mod. (Think of it as the Github Repo description)

thumbnails: ModAsset[]

Thumbnails / Screenshots uploaded for this mod.


  • get_description(): Promise<string>
  • Get the description for this mod in html.

    Returns Promise<string>

    html string.

  • get_file(fileId: number): Promise<ModFile>
  • Return a specific file from this mod.


    • fileId: number

      the id of the file to query.

    Returns Promise<ModFile>

    ModFile associated for this file or throws an error.

  • get_files(searchOptions?: { gameVersion?: string; gameVersionTypeId?: number; modLoaderType?: number } & PagingOptions): Promise<ModFile[] & { paging: Pagination }>
  • Parameters

    • Optional searchOptions: { gameVersion?: string; gameVersionTypeId?: number; modLoaderType?: number } & PagingOptions

      Options to use when getting the files for this mod.

    Returns Promise<ModFile[] & { paging: Pagination }>

    mod files found using this method.

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