const curseforge = require("../index");
const fs = require("fs");
const ph = require("path");
const crypto = require("crypto");
const https = require("https");
module.exports = class {
* @method
* @description Download the file to a specific file
* @param {string} path - absolute path to save the mod to.
* @param {boolean} override - Should the file be overwritten if it already exists? Defaults to false.
* @param {boolean} simulate - Doesn't download a file it just tries to find the proper website. Used for testing.
* @param {function} callback - Optional callback to use as alternative to Promise.
* @returns {Promise.<path>} A Promise containing the selected absolute path for convenience.
override = false,
simulate = false,
url = this.download_url,
tries = 10
) {
if (override && typeof override === "function") {
callback = override;
override = false;
} else if (override && typeof override === "object") {
override = override.override;
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (tries < 1) reject("Download canceled after 10 redirects.");
if (!ph.isAbsolute(path)) reject("Path is not absolute.");
if (fs.existsSync(path)) {
if (override) fs.unlinkSync(path);
else reject("File exists and override is false");
https.get(url, (response) => {
if (response.statusCode >= 300 && response.statusCode < 400) {
if (response.headers["location"])
tries - 1
} else if (response.statusCode !== 200) {
reject("File couldn't be downloaded.");
if (simulate) {
} else {
response.on("end", () => {
if (callback && typeof callback === "function")
promise.then(callback.bind(null, null), callback);
return promise;
* @private
* @param {curseforge.getMod} method
* @param {function} callback
__please_dont_hate_me(method, callback, dependencies) {
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let mods = [];
let amount = dependencies.length;
if(amount <= 0){
for (let dep of dependencies) {
.then((res) => {
if (--amount === 0) {
.catch((err) => reject);
if (callback && typeof callback === "function")
promise.then(callback.bind(null, null), callback);
return promise;
* @method ModFile.getDependencies
* @description Get all dependencies required by this mod.
* @param {function} callback - Optional callback to use as alternative to Promise
* @param {array} [categories=[1,3]] - Array of categories to get the Dependencies for. @see CurseForgeAPI.DEPENDENCY_TYPE
* @returns {Promise.<Mod[], Error>} Array of Mods who are marked as dependency or an empty array if no dependencies exist.
getDependencies(callback, categories=[1, 3]) {
if(typeof callback == "array")
categories = callback;
let dependenciesToLoad = this.mod_dependencies.filter(mod => {
return categories.includes(mod.type);
return this.__please_dont_hate_me(curseforge.getMod, callback, dependenciesToLoad);
* @method ModFile.getDependenciesFiles
* @description Get all dependencies required by this mod.
* @param {function} callback - Optional callback to use as alternative to Promise
* @param {array} [categories=[3]] - Array of categories to get the Dependencies for. @see CurseForgeAPI.DEPENDENCY_TYPE
* @returns {Promise.<ModFile[], Error>} Array of ModFiles who are marked as dependency or an empty array if no dependencies exist.
getDependenciesFiles(callback, categories=[1, 3]) {
if(typeof callback == "array")
categories = callback;
let dependenciesToLoad = this.mod_dependencies.filter(mod => {
return categories.includes(mod.type);
return this.__please_dont_hate_me(curseforge.getModFiles, callback, dependenciesToLoad);
* @name ModFile
* @class ModFile
* @description A File Object representing a file of a specific mod
* @param {Object} file_object - File object to create object from
* @property {string[]} minecraft_versions - The minecraft versions this mod file is compatible with.
* @property {string} file_name - The name of the mod file it got stored with.
* @property {string} file_size - The size of the mod file as string. (Yeah it's gross)
* @property {string} release_type - the type of the mod file release.
* @property {string} mod_key - The Curse slug of the mod the file belongs to.
* @property {string} download_url - The url to the mod file to download.
* @property {number} downloads - The amount of downloads of this mod file.
* @property {timestamp} timestamp - A timestamp of the time the file got uploaded.
* @property {string[]} mod_dependencies - A list of dependencies for this file.
* @property {boolean} available - true if the file is available.
constructor(file_object) { =;
this.minecraft_versions = file_object.gameVersion;
this.file_name = file_object.file_name;
this.file_size = file_object.fileLength;
this.timestamp = file_object.fileDate;
this.release_type = file_object.releaseType;
this.download_url = file_object.downloadUrl;
this.downloads = file_object.download_count;
this.mod_dependencies = file_object.dependencies || [];
this.alternate = file_object.isAlternate;
this.alternate_id = file_object.alternateFileId;
this.available = file_object.isAvailable;