new Mod( mod_object )

A Mod Object representing a file of a specific mod
Name Type Description
mod_object Object Mod object to create object from
Name Type Description
id number The Curse Id of the mod.
name string The display name of the mod.
authors Array.<object> An array of authors names.
attachments Array.<object> An array of attachments objects from the description.
url string The url to the mods page.
summary string A short description to advertise the mod.
defaultFileId number The default file id of the mod.
downloads number The amount of downloads of the mod.
latestFiles Array.<ModFile> An array of ModFile's containing the latest files.
key string The Curse slug of the mod.
featured boolean Is the mod featured?
popularityScore number Some kind of score? Not sure.
gamePopularityRank number The rank of the mod.
primaryLanguage string the primary language of the mod
logo object The attachment object of the logo of the mod.
created timestamp A timestamp of the time the mod got created.
updated timestamp A timestamp of the time the mod got updated.
released timestamp A timestamp of the time the mod got released.
available boolean true if the mod is available.
experimental boolean true if the mod is experimental.


<static> getFiles()

Simple function to call GetModFiles with predefined identifier.


<static> getDescription()

Simple function to call GetModDescription with predefined identifier.
